

Symptoms may differ. For example(三種主要狀況所引起):

  • Parallels Plesk Panel (hereafter Plesk) domains are added in HSPcomplete: the DNS zones are not created in the HSPcomplete name servers automatically.
  • The domain is deleted in Plesk: it is not deleted completely, but an exception is shown.
  • You create a domain: hosting is not created, but an error is shown.

The complete error looks like the following:

ERROR: PleskException
Table::select() failed: no such row in the table

0: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/dns/DNSZone.php:52
    DNSZone->DNSZone(string '100')
1: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/common_func.php3:2610
    objectMaker(string 'DNSZone', string '100')
2: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/dns/DNSManager.php:39
    DNSManager::getDNSZone(string '100')
3: /usr/local/psa/admin/htdocs/domains/dns.php:21

On Plesk for Windows, the error is different and is also shown in the domain management operations (suspend/resume/delete domain):

Error: DNSZone::Table::select() failed: no such row in the table


The reason for the error is that in, the Plesk mysql table dns_zone_id record points to a nonexistent ID record in the psa.dns_zone table for one or several domains. This may occur because of internal Plesk issues, a broken database, incomplete domain deletion, incorrect provisioning from HSPcomplere to the Plesk server, etc.


Note: The solution below is demonstrated for Linux; however, it can be applied in the same way for a Windows server. Note that accessing the psa database will look differently.

You need to create an appropriate zone in the psa.dns_zone table first. Log in to the Parallels Plesk database:

# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -Dpsa

Find the domains that have missing IDs:

mysql> SELECT FROM domains d LEFT JOIN dns_zone z ON WHERE IS NULL;

Then for each reported domain, do the following:

  1. Create appropriate ID records with the following commands. Do not forget to replace <"DOMAN-NAME"> with the real domain name and <"ADMIN-EMAIL"> with the correct email:

    mysql> INSERT INTO dns_zone (name, displayName, email) VALUES ('<DOMAIN-NAME>', '<DOMAIN-NAME>', '<ADMIN-EMAIL>');
  2. Determine the new zone ID:

    mysql>  SELECT id, name FROM dns_zone where name='<DOMAIN-NAME>';
  3. Substitute the correct ID into the table, and don't forget to replace <"DOMAN-NAME"> and <"DNS-ZONE-ID"> with the correct values:

    mysql> UPDATE domains SET dns_zone_id='<DNS-ZONE-ID>' WHERE name='<DOMAIN-NAME>';

Then log in to Plesk Panel. For each corrected domain, go to Home > Domains > <"DOMAIN-NAME"> > Website & Domains > DNS and use the Default button to re-generate DNS records. After this, the error disappears. Now you will be able to repeat the action that was interrupted by the error: do domain deletion or synchronize DNS to HSPcomplete or something else.

NOTE: It is highly recommended to update Plesk components to the latest available builds, which have fixes included that prevent such problems.


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